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Sending a Broadcast Post

Broadcast your most important news directly to all employees' email inboxes.

Updated over a week ago

By default, your employees can select the email notifications preferences—instant emails, daily digests, weekly digests, or no notifications— that work for them on a group-by-group basis. However, we know that sometimes you have urgent, important, or required news that needs to get your employees' inboxes ASAP. In these cases, we'd suggest using a broadcast post.

About broadcast posts.

Broadcast posts override your employees' email notification preferences and send an instant, full-text email to all members of the group in which you're publishing. We strongly suggest using broadcasts posts with caution—reserving them for only your most important news.

Publishing & sending broadcast posts.

1. Create your post as usual.

2. When you're done drafting your content, before publishing, click the megaphone button at the bottom of the post modal.

3. Toggle on the notification channels of your choosing. From this modal, you can also mark your post as must-read or flag it as secure send which will add a watermark to the post when viewing.

4. Click save and complete your post. When you're ready, click Publish. This will publish your post to your workspace and send instant broadcast emails to all audience members.

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