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October 14, 2021: Release Notes

New features, bug fixes, and product updates from the Haystack team.

Updated over a week ago

We generally release new features and bug fixes around 3 pm PT, but that time is likely to vary. If you're not yet seeing these updates in your account, treat yourself to an afternoon snack and check back in later.

This week's release brings an enormous set of brand new notification preferences, a beautiful new post creation flow, and an absolute ton of bug fixes.

What's new?

  • Notification Preferences. Keeping up with new posts, events, and resources has never been easier. Your new notifications dashboard allows you to select whether you receive updates in real-time—or in daily or weekly digest. You'll never miss a beat. Learn more about notifications here.

  • Post Creation Flow. If you're a post author, you'll notice your post creation flow has a brand new look. This redesign makes it easier than ever to create and publish at lightning speed — without losing access to the advanced settings you know and love. Learn more about creating posts here.

  • Broadcast Posts. By default, your employees can select the email notifications preferences that work for them on a group-by-group basis. However, we know that sometimes you important news that needs to get your employees' inboxes ASAP. In these cases, we'd suggest using a broadcast post, which overrides your employees' preferences and sends email notifications instantly to all group members. Learn more about broadcast posts here.

  • Full-Text Emails. When post and event email notifications are sent instantly—either via a user's email preferences or via an admin broadcast—the full body of the content will now be included in the email. Keeping your team in the know, no matter where they're reading is easier than ever. Learn more about broadcast emails here. Learn more about email notifications here.

  • New Slack integration capabilities. We've expanded the functionality of our Slack integration to make share new content to Slack easier than ever. You can now connect a group in your workspace to a Slack channel so that new posts in Haystack are automatically shared to Slack. Learn more about our Slack integration here.

  • Responsive Support for Mobile Web. Haystack has never been more beautiful on the go! Our new responsive work makes it easy to access your workspace on your favorite phone or tablet.

  • Various backend improvements to speed and performance.

What's fixed?

Bugs we squashed this week:

  • Issues with watermark display on secure posts.

  • Minor issues with image uploading when creating content.

  • Issue completing @-mentions when using the /-command.

  • Session issues when switching SSO from OIDC to SAML.

  • Minor issues on the org chart full view.

  • Misalignment of thumbnail images on events feeds.

  • Link display issues on group pages

  • Issue with editing education and work history on profile pages

  • Mis-sized create modals when creating resources subpages.

  • Display issues when reordering resource pages.

  • Various minor backend and UI fixes.

We hope you love these new features as much as we do. If you have questions, please don't hesitate to reach out at

Sharing this notifications update with your employees.

This update's new notifications features have a big impact on your team members and their inboxes. We suggest using the template below to share the details with your employees:

Hello team,

I'm excited to share that some helpful new features have been added to <<Your Workspace Name>> this week! Starting today, you have more control than ever over your notifications for updates posted on <<Your Workspace Name>>. On a group-by-group basis, you can now choose to receive instant emails, daily email digests, or weekly email digests about new posts, events, and resources.

To ensure that your notification preferences fit your workflow, I'd strongly suggest taking a moment to configure your account settings. Here's how:

1. Log into your <<Your Workspace Name>> Account here: <<Your Workspace URL>
2. Click the dropdown arrow in the top right corner of your page and select Preferences
3. On the left, click Notifications.
4. On this page, choose the email frequencies that work for you. Don't forget to click save at the bottom of the page.

Have questions? Learn more here: Managing Your Notifications. You're also welcome to reach out to the support team directly at for additional assistance with your account.


<<Your Name>>

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