Configuring a Group's Dashboard
Alison Morris avatar
Written by Alison Morris
Updated over a week ago

Configuring a Group's Dashboard

Each group's dashboard gives workspace admins and group owners space to configure the dashboard cards most relevant to the group's audience and members.

About your group dashboard

The group dashboard is the front page of a group for admins, group owners, and members. The dashboard is made up of a number of unique cards, each of which houses different information and activity from across your group.

The cards available to you are listed below. We add to your card library frequently, so check your workspace for the latest updates.

  • Group Resources: See top resources within your groups

  • Recent Posts: See recent posts from your groups

  • Upcoming Events: See upcoming events from your groups

  • Groups links: See important links set by workspace admins or group owners based on the permissions

  • Static Card: Add a title and text

  • Banner: This scrolling, narrow banner is a perfect place for special group announcements

Configuring your group Navigation

Your group workspace navigations toolset makes it simple to organize your group top navigation bar the best way that you see best fit. You'll drag and drop to customize how you'd like the top navigation to look in the group.

You'll be able to set which page will be your primary page when you visit the group page by clicking on the three-dotted button next to the page and click on Set as Home and be sure to click Save.

  • You click on

Who can edit a group's dashboard?

By default in a new group, all members of a group can edit the group's dashboard. However, you can easily edit this permission in your group settings on the Permission Settings page. Learn more about these settings here: Managing a Group.

Adding cards to your group dashboard

To add cards to the dashboard...

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the dashboard page and click on the Add Card button

  2. From the card library, choose the card you'd like to add. Note that some cards can be added multiple times, like the static card.
    ​Note: Group dashboard cards must be added in the order you'd like them to appear. You're welcome to add and remove until they're in the order you wish! Soon, this space will support drag-and-drop arranging.

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