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Featuring Resource Pages

How to use featured resources to promote your most important resource pages.

Updated over a week ago

Workspace Admins and Resource Admins have the special ability to feature resource pages, which pins them to the top of every employee's Resources landing page.

We suggest featuring welcome pages, employee handbooks, strategic plans, mission & vision pages—the information that every employee needs to access. Pages can also be un-featured at any time, so it's a perfect place to pin time-based resources like open enrollment information or holiday time-off policies.

The Resources landing page has space for 9 featured resources, but you're welcome to feature more. Users can access the featured pages beyond the top 9 by clicking the See All button below the featured section.

How to Feature a Resource Page.

To feature a page, click the three-dot button on any resource page and select Feature Page. You may need to refresh your browser to see that page appear in the featured section.

How to Reorder Your Featured Resource Pages.

You're welcome to reorder your featured resources pages at any time. To do so...

  1. Click Reorder at the top corner of the featured resource section.

  2. Drag and drop the featured resource cards into the order that you'd like.

  3. Click Save at the top right corner of the featured resource section.

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