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Creating and Managing Templates

Haystack's template tool will be a guide for you to make as much content using a customized template created by your admin.

Updated over a week ago

Your workspace’s template tools allow Workspace Admins to create templates for Post and Pages — and share those templates with content creators across your organization.

Template Tools for Content Creators

Using Templates as a Content Creator

If you’re creating a new post or page, we always suggest first checking to see if your admins have created a template for you. This will save you time and make creating your content speedier than ever. To use a template as a content creator…

  1. Click the create button in your page header and select either Post or Page and the group in which you’d like to publish.

  2. Once on the content composition page, you’ll add the template of your choice:

    1. If creating a Post, click the ^ icon next to the publish button and select Apply Template

    2. If creating a Page, click the three-dot button in the top right corner of the page and select Apply Template

  3. From the template library, choose the template you’d like to use. Keep in mind, you’ll be able to edit and customize your content before publishing!

  4. Finish composting your content and publish as usual.

Template Management Tools for Admins

How to create a template as a workspace admin.

By default, all templates will start off as private—only visible to you as the template creator. Follow the steps in the section below to add your template to the Admin Picks library for all content creators to see and use.

  1. Click on the downward arrow next to the create button, hover your mouse over templates, and choose your content type: Post or Page

  2. On the bottom left corner of the templates modal click Create Template

  3. Add a title, body, and rich media as needed. and click Save.

  4. To view the template you created, follow step 1 above scroll, or search to find your template.

How to add a template to the Admin Picks template library.

Your Admin Picks template library allows you to select the post and page templates that all content creators in your workspace can view and use when authoring their own content.

  1. Click on the downward arrow next to the create button, hover your mouse over templates, and choose your content type: Post or Page

  2. Click on the three-dotted button next to the template next to the template you’d like to add to the library and select Make Admin Pick.

  3. This template will now be available to all content creators

You can remove a template from the Admin Picks template library following the same steps.

How to edit or delete a template as a workspace admin.

  1. Click on the downward arrow next to the create button, hover your mouse over templates, and choose your content type: Post or Page

  2. Click on the three-dotted button next to the template next to the template you’d like to edit or delete and make your selection from the dropdown. If you’re editing a template, once you’ve finished your template changes, Don't forget to click Save!

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