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March 28, 2024: Release Notes

New features, bug fixes, and product updates from the Haystack team.

Updated over 12 months ago

πŸ“Œ We generally release new features and bug fixes around 3 p.m. PT, but that time is likely to vary. If you're not yet seeing these updates in your account, treat yourself to a latte and check back in a bit.

πŸ’» Web App Updates

What's New?

  • A New, Easy Way to Share a Post in Multiple Groups with Just a Few Clicks
    As a content creator, you've likely been charged with making an important announcement to multiple internal communities, departments, or locations. Like an office update to all offices in North America, a product announcement to the Product, Design, and Engineering Teams, or a people programs update to your people managers and all senior leaders.
    Historically, this kind of announcement has meant copying and pasting a post multiple times across each Haystack group. It works, but it's a little time-intensive. Today, we're excited to share a new multi-group sharing publishing tool that makes this kind of announcement a breeze.
    If you are a Workspace Admin or Post Admin, you'll see a new publish confirmation modal when publishing a post. Here, you can add additional groups in which you'd like to publish a duplicate copy of your post. Your post content and settings will copy over into each unique post and publish all at once. No more copying and pasting!
    πŸ“Œ A few very important notes to keep in mind when using the multi-group sharing tool:

    • This tool creates unique duplicates of your post in each group. This means if future edits are needed, those edits will need to be made in each copy of the post.

    • Each unique post created with this tool will have its own unique set of emoji reactions, comments, notifications, and analytics.

    • Use this tool thoughtfully if sharing in multiple open groups. If the groups you select have cross-over audiences, those cross-over users will see multiple copies of the post in their feeds and in their notifications. Additionally, contents of open groups are visible to all users in search, so be mindful of duplicates. For example:

      • We would use this tool to share a product announcement in multiple, unique department groups.

      • We would not use this tool to push a CEO memo to the All Hands group and all department groups. This will result in multiple notifications to all users.

  • All-New "Duplicate Post" Tool
    If you're a frequent content creator, you've likely had a moment where it would be helpful to duplicate and edit a post from the past. Think annual open enrollment announcements, quarterly OKR updates, IT reminders, and moreβ€”any time you need nearly duplicate content with just a few small edits.
    The new Duplicate Post tool makes it easier than ever to tackle the job. Simply click the settings button on any post where you have edit permissions and click Duplicate Post. This will copy the post's content and paste it into a new post creation flow where you can edit, adjust settings, and publish it as a brand new post!

What's Fixed?


  • Event Date not editable on event compose when using Safari


  • Minor formatting issues around hyperlinked text in email notifications

  • When using Outlook, event email notifications display oversized header images


  • Language selector on user profile failing to load


  • Company logo is sometimes stretched in the birthday and anniversary celebration modal

πŸ“± Mobile App Updates

πŸ“Œ Mobile app releases usually arrive in the app stores three to four behind the release date in the header, as they're subject to review and approval by the Apple and Google app stores.

What's New?

  • Badge Page Redesign
    If your team is using Haystack's employee recognition tools, you'll find a newly redesigned badge page in your mobile apps! If you're curious to learn more about Haystack recognition, reach out to your CSM or

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