We generally release new features and bug fixes around 3pm PT, but that time is likely to vary. If you're not yet seeing these updates in your account, treat yourself to a latte and check back in a bit.
What's Fixed?
This release is absolutely packed with small improvements and bug fixes! Take a peek at the complete list below. As a reminder, you can always share bugs and issues with us at support@haystackteam.com and we'll fix them as quickly as possible.
Content Creation
Inability to create private links as a regular user
Issues with embedding YouTube videos using the embedded code โย please only use the embed link for YouTube!
Issues with Youtube videos failing to load using specific privacy settings
Posts submitted for approval failing to publish if edited before approval
Event duplication tool auto-publishing the duplicate without entering the edit state first. โ Now, when you duplicate an event, you'll be able to edit the copy before publishing!
Post email notifications intermittently failing to include body text content
Intermittent odd text sequence between author's name and inconsistent hashtags in email post notifications when using Outlook
Intermittent issues with question marks in place of special characters in email notifications when using Outlook
Workspace and Admins Settings
Search pages not respecting the "employees" alias set in the Admin console
Group member requests not clearing after membership approval
Long post content titles on the Analytics Console push content beyond the browser's edge
Using search to find glossary terms displaying blank screens instead of redirecting to the glossary term
Deactivated users showing as RSVP to upcoming events
Various backend bugs and performance improvements
Clicking the @-mention of a secret group or closed group resolves in "page not found" even if a member of the group
Click on an @-mentioned group in a Profile summary resolves in an error
(Recognition Beta Toolset) Clicking See All on a shoutout results in errors
Mobile App Updates
What's new?
Mobile support for emoji cover photos in the post creator
Mobile support for viewing shoutouts
Mobile viewing support for the LinkedIn sharing /-edit content type
What's Fixed?
Add and remove member tools not displaying on groups
Missing text on the notifications settings page
Push notification click-through resolves in a broken path back after clicking the back button at the top of the post
We hope you love these new features as much as we do. If you have questions, please don't hesitate to reach out at support@haystackteam.com.