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May 19, 2022: Release Notes

New features, bug fixes, and product updates from the Haystack team.

Updated over a week ago

We generally release new features and bug fixes around 3 pm PT, but that time is likely to vary. If you're not yet seeing these updates in your account, treat yourself to an afternoon walk and check back in later.

What's New?

Email Notifications for Unclaimed Users

We've updated our email notification logic to include new content notifications for unclaimed users—those users who have been invited or provisioned on the platform but haven't yet signed into their account. This will allow workspace admins to ensure important news is making it to all members of the team regardless of their sign-in status. Learn all about the user types in your workspace here.

Note: If you have notifications turned off on your Admin Console's Security Settings page, notifications will be turned off for both active and unclaimed users.

Post Analytics Performance Improvements
We've made some major backend updates to your post analytics tools, making them speedier than ever. Take a peek at the insights on your posts and you'll see these updates in action.

SharePoint Search
For those of you using SharePoint, we're excited to share that you can now search for SharePoint content right from your Haystack search bar. Learn more about connected app search here.

OneLogin SCIM
For our teams using OneLogin for single sign-on, we are excited to share that we now support a SCIM integration atop your existing OneLogin configuration. This integration allows you to handle auto-provisioning and user profile data mapping all through OneLogin. If you're using OneLogin and would like to learn more, reach out to your Haystack contact for more information and documentation.

Microsoft Teams Integration (Beta)

If you're using Microsoft Teams to communicate across your company, we're thrilled to announce an all-new Microsoft Teams integration. This integration allows you to:

  • Push automated new content notifications from a Haystack group to the Teams channel of your choice

  • Enable click-to-chat deep linking on employee profiles

If you're interested in using this toolset, please reach out to your Haystack contact for more information.

What's Fixed?

Creating Content

  • Issues embedding video files and displaying the video player within a post, event, or resource page.

  • Issues hyperlinking images within a post, event, or resource page.

  • Occasional issues selecting a template when creating a post.

Viewing and Finding Content

  • Occasional issues displaying comments on the activity feed.

Admin Tools

  • Issues displaying current selection when editing custom navigation settings.

Mobile App Updates

Download our mobile apps for iOS and Android to use Haystack on the go.

New and Improved Features on Mobile

  • All new Activity, Event, and Mobile feeds!

  • Support for multiple dashboard cards, including the Name Game card, Calendar card, Featured Links card, and more.

  • New search modal on the Events feed

Mobile Bugs Fixed

  • Issues with event ordering on the Upcoming Events dashboard card

We hope you love these new features as much as we do. If you have questions, please don't hesitate to reach out at

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